Positive test; but just had period - what should i do?




So I’ve literally just had my period (or what I thought was my period). It started 10dpo, I bled fairly heavy. Heavy enough that I immediately ruled out implantation bleeding. I even had a couple of small clots. The bleeding wasn’t as heavy as my usual period though, and also I had no cramping or pain. This is unusual for me as I get them really bad, and normally have to wear the really heavy flow pads and take lots of pain medication.

Anyway, the bleeding lasted 5/6 days. I have a small amount of dry brown spotting when I wipe now but nothing major. I don’t need to wear a pantyliner or anything. Not sure what possessed me to test, but I did a test last night (15dpo) and it’s positive. I did another this morning, and the line does look slightly weaker to me but still very positive and a clear blue says 1-2 weeks pregnant.

I had a chemical pregnancy last month, so I’m on edge and not really sure what to do. Last months bleeding lasted 8/9 days and I had lots of heavy bleeding, clots and pain. I feel like this month is different. The chemical pregnancy was confirmed by a very low Beta HCG blood test (14). I was then told to do a urine test the following week and by then it was negative.

I called the EPU just now; they said I can either wait for 4 hours to see a doctor or just wait and see what happens.

Please can anyone advise what you think I should do? Is this likely going to end badly?

Thanks you xx