Accepted job offer but...2

I've submitted notice and they want me to stay.

They asked what perks does the other job come with and I told them the main thing is the job is 100% remote. Also, the salary is $15k more (which I have no problem proving). Also, there are meetings once a quarter that are voluntary to join or I can join virtually. They said they aren't sure that they can offer the salary but may be able to work out something with working from home. I currently have to go into the office 1-2 days out of the week. Which isn't a big deal. Traffic is horrible so I'm glad it isn't everyday.

My concern is...because they now know that I've interviewed and accepted an offer... if they come back with a better offer, they may only keep me on until someone else is hired and trained on the basic tasks of the job. Then what?

Has anyone had this happen before? Did you stay? Did you find that it was worth it if you did stay?

Thanks ♥️