Meet Charlie 💙 worth the wait!


Everything about my birth story didn’ go according to my plans, but i’m glad it went according to gods plan instead.


I was lucky enough to be under both OB & Midwife care with an amazing group of nurses and the best hubby ever…I faced a lot of fears…took a lot of needed interventions & was able to safely bring this healthy beautiful boy into the world in hospital early Thursday morning 💙 🏥


I planned a minimal intervention, birthing centre spontaneous birth & ended up being induced at 41 weeks due to blood sugar issues. In the hospital they started my in oxytocin drip at noon on September 28th & broke my water at 6 pm after minimal progress. There was Meconium in the fluid so they upped me to the max does of oxytocin I can receive under midwife care. Around 10pm they did another check and I only progressed to 5cm. They mentioned they need to bring the drip up to 26 because my body wasn’t responding properly & a c section was a possibility. They also had to transfer my out of my midwife’s care and back to an OB to monitor the higher dose of meds.

My pain shot through the roof..contractions were causing vomiting & I was strapped to monitors and couldn’t move through them. The nurse recommended the epidural to give me rest as we were at 12 hours with minimal progress & the doc was coming to check again around 2 to determine if c section was necessary. I took it, still didn’t get much sleep but I was able to stop throwing up & relax my body. By 2am I was at 8cm!! Two hours later I was fully dialated & pushing. During pushing my epidural failed but I think it worked to my advantage and I was able to use my natural pushing urge. One hour & 50 mins of pushing later, on September 29th Charlie was born 💙 8lbs 10oz

I had a mild hemorrhage & a high fever but other than that..minimal complications &no stitches.

Just sharing because sometimes

we need to let go of things we can’t control & embrace what was meant to be.


We were lucky to bring him home in just 12 hours and overall I feel good mentally and physically but mostly just blessed 🙏💗
