Baby Due - Low in Pelvis

I had my third trimester ultrasound yesterday, hoping to get a 3D photo, BUT baby girl was already head down, and low in my pelvis. The ultrasound tech said, “Now, we aren’t supposed to say anything, or speculate, but I say, she’s gonna come early, she’s ready to head out.” 😆


Today at my midwife appointment, my midwife jokingly said “We just hope she’ll stay until 36 weeks.” But when I asked her if she thinks she is gonna be early, because of how low into my pelvis she is, she said “It’s hard to tell, babies have a mind of their own, but your 1st was only two days early, so I would think to plan closer to your due date.”


I’m just curious how many of you, had babies low in your pelvis and when snouts they came. If you want to share your experience.

Thanks 😊

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