33 weeks …high blood pressure…question

Lesley 🌈

Well, my blood pressure is still high, so I have to up my dosage and be on limited bed rest he’s not even waiting a week to see me next. I have to go back in on Monday

Question though. Honestly, my head was not in it at the appointment after I realized my blood pressure was still high. So thankful my husband joins me for these, but as he was leaving my doctor randomly said “Sitting is as bad as standing” I had to do a double take.My husband, who again was more clear headed thought he may have said “sitting is not as bad as standing” but I could have sworn he said that it was as bad because of how that shocked me.

Has anyone else been told this? Did I hear it incorrectly? I don’t like to but I can sit at my job. But I can’t do my job lying down. Thoughts?