Need opinions!!

Okay mamas I know you all aren’t qualified but I need your opinions. My son is two years old and we are trying to figure out if we should get him in to get evaluated for autism.

Why we think he might be on the spectrum:

- he only says a couple of words (dada, ball, no, guys)

- when he throws his fits they are awful and they will be out of no where. He will hit, kick, bite, pull hair, and head butt)

- he doesn’t like to play with other kids besides for his older cousin.

- he does not like large groups or anyone besides for me, dad, and Gigi.

- he only eats a few things. (Beefaroni, Mac n cheese, bananas, and chocolate)

- he responds to his name but hardly

- if he wants something he will point, drag us to it, or have a melt down

- he loves his baths which means he hates being dirty. If he is dirty he flips

- he flaps his hands when he gets really excited or happy

-he only plays with toy cars, blocks, and balls

- he will line them up and will get upset if one gets misplaced

-when playing with his cars he looks like he is really focused on the wheels

- he absolutely hates animals besides for cats. Idk y but hates all animals besides for cats.

- hates the feeling of wind, rain, water on his head, dirt, grass, and leaves.

-if his sister is near he flips out

-He throws toys non stop

Like I said i know there are probably a few experts in here but what would you guys do? I Personally feel like he’s on the spectrum.