9 DPO and nausea



I am 9 dpo today. I’ve been trying not to test but it’s impossible. I have had waves of nausea. More today than before. I’m not extremely tired but when I get home from work I just want to lay on the couch! This is not usually me the week before af. But I feel like if I am getting nausea then it should show up soon if I’m pregnant right?? I just feel completely different this month.

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Posted at
Ouuuu goodluck!! Keep us updated!


Posted at
Tested with a digital this morning at 10dpo. It was negative. Gonna wait until the 14th which is the day before af is suppose to show her face and is also our 5 year anniversary. I’m praying so hard


Kayla • Oct 18, 2022
Still testing negative and 2 days late. No af symptoms