my boyfriend hates sex

me and my boyfriend met about 6 months ago. right off the bat we slept together. a LOT. mostly everyday tbh. i used to not like it so much bcs everyday but it was fine. but now it’s never. he tells me he “hates sex”. we have had issues ab sex before. The two major ones is when we first got together, he broke up with me to try and sleep with his ex. I don’t hate him for that since we had sorta JUST met and started dating. Then another thing is 2 months in he realized he had a porn addiction and i left him for a couple days. after that he stopped watching it, but also stopped having sex with me. i was fine with a couple days inbetween since we’re around eachother so much, but this is like once a month now. i have confronted him about it because i feel like it’s me. i keep feeling like he’s tired of me and how i look or something. but he told me he just hates sex, he hates that it caused fights and caused his porn addiction. he told me he just wants to sleep together on anniversary’s and stuff and it can be more special, but he doesn’t like to do it for fun anymore. does this sound normal or like an out bcs he’s not attracted to me anymore? he says he loves me and i’ve asked if he would just wanna break up and he cries and says no, that he just wants rare sex. what are your guys opinions?