Feeding Schedule


How much and how often are your 5 month olds taking a bottle? I’m having some major concerns with my little one. She might eat okay for a few days then she will consistently miss several ounces a day. We had a day she went 19 hours without a bottle and pediatrician at the walk in clinic blew us off and said oh it’s syringe pedialyte 5-10 mL every now and then (so that makes up for the many - 16 ounces she missed that day). We do the same routine every feed. She has never been one to cry much - she doesn’t really even do a good job of telling us she’s hungry so I have to really watch the clock and time everything. Our pediatrician is concerned that her intake isn’t better as well and suggested we try a different formula (we are starting to mix that in now). I’m not sure that’s the issue. It’s like as soon as the milk touches her mouth she’s turning away and arching her back.