Sounding like a broken record 💿


I know I sound like a broken record, but here's the entire situation:

So I started birth control on October 16th (sunday). I was 2 months pp at that point.

I took them from Sunday to Monday and lost them but I found them on Wednesday so I took Tuesdays and Wednesdays dose, and I took Thursdays the next day then stopped them completely. So within the first week, I started them, missed one, took It the next day, then stopped them on Thursday. Today is October 27th and I haven't had anymore since then.

On Sunday October 23rd I started symptoms except cravings, and mood swings (which I already knew was the birth control) and it was heavy so I told myself it was withdrawl bleeding where I wasn't passing clots like I do on my period.

So since October 23rd I've been bleeding heavy, but today I had big clots.

Now my question is, do I put it into GLOW as a period? Because my periods usually get lighter on day 5 and it's day 5, but If its my period it would be my first one since having baby #2 so it would be heavier anyway because my period with my 1st baby was, but I'm not having the Period symptoms like sore/swollen boobs, or cramps. I just have mood swings and fatigue, cravings, and bleeding

So would I log it as my period?...

Sorry to confuse anyone, I'm confused myself 😑