Almost a home arrival


Okay so I was having contractions for a whole week, they were 3 minutes apart. My cervix was dilating and softening but L&D kept sending me home. On the 5th day of returning to the hospital my baby had a decel with her heart during a contraction and since I was attempting a VBAC this had me worried. Of course I was 3 cm dilated and they wouldnt admit me.

So they sent me home and with one minute to spare before the office closed, I called my OB and told him what was happening. He told me to return to L&D in 2 hrs because he was going to be on call. Of course at this point I was tired of going only to have L&D Dr's and nurses send me home saying I wasn't in labor and they knew because I didn't look like I was in labor and not to come back until I couldn't breathe due to pain.

Dad and I talk and decided to try again, upon arrival I had dilated to 4 cm, with the contractions still consistent. My OB dr admitted me finally and we were on our way to having my baby girl.

From 8pm to 12 am, I was having contractions then my water broke. From 1 am to 5 am I had horrible back labor and finally gave into having an epidural. At this point I was 5 cm, not even ab hour after my epi i could feel the baby moving down. I frantically called the nurse back and demanded she check. Sure enough I was 10 cm and "ready" to push. Of course dad had stepped out and I was refusing to do anything till he got back. Dr showed at 6 am for me to push, turns out I couldn't feel much because of the epi so I wasn't pushing like I thought.

Dr left to do a csection while I labored down for an hour with the help of the best nurse, who was showing me how to push and stretching me down stairs to prevent tearing. Dr finally came back and was excited to learn I now knew how to push and was ready. So we got busy, her head (according to dad) was so close to coming out when her heart rare dropped to low. So my ob intervened, grabbed the vacuumed thing and told me to push on last time. I push as hard as I could and she came flying out with the cord wrapped around her neck.

Thankfully she is okay with the help from my OB and that he told me to come back that night because my stubborn ass would have waited due to being pissed about the staff. She arrived safely even though I did tear up my libia toward my C. I think it went really well.

BTW to the nurse who refused to give me a breast pump, because she wanted me to latch. FU lady. Okay I just wanted to tell someone.