Need advice

I wanted y’all’s opinion on if what I’m doing is right or wrong… so about a year ago my moms friend told me something about my husband that turned out to be a lie.. even after I asked my husband and hers if what she said was true they both said she was lying and when my husband confronted her about it… she said I lied and was making things up which I wasn’t.. why would I go ask my husband and hers if it was made up… anyways I bought her daughter a tablet and had my account on it… I pay a monthly subscription for the apps and games she uses.. would it be mean to delete her daughters tablet off my account. Keep in mind… she doesn’t talk to me anymore and has always treated me with hate.. my family still talks to her as if nothing happened even though she almost hit me and was verbally abusing me after I did a D&C because she was angry that I told my husband and her husband about what she said. Anyways she’s in the past and I was wanting to delete her daughters account but didn’t know if I was being mean..