Twitching/muscle spasm in my left shoulder..


Hello all. Trying not to freak/stress myself out. I’ve read symptoms of ectopic pregnancy is pain in left shoulder blade. I have had no pain what’s so ever, but have had a muscle spasm/twitching in my left shoulder for the past week at least. Also random twitching right under my eye for a few hours the other day before it went away… I am 6w2d. It’s making me paranoid. I’m hoping it’s just from stress, and I use to work in a department at work before I found out I was pregnant that was lifting things over 50 pounds so hoping it could be related to an injury in the shoulder bc that one has always seemed to bother me… Haven’t had any abnormal pains & just normal pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness and nausea when my stomach is empty. Do you think it’s a cause for concern?