34 weeks period like cramping


Anyone else experiencing period cramping?

It is definitely different from Braxton hicks as my whole uterus/ stomach is not tightening or anything like that. I have been having MAJOR pressure and vaginal soreness/pain lately due to what I believe is the baby dropping lower.

This is my second and I do not remember experiencing any period like cramps with my first like this. It legit feels like the first day of my period! It's been happening on and off for the last few days, but never consistent. But it's painful enough where I close my eyes and I'm breathing through it waiting for it to pass.

I've been having an "intuition" feeling for a few weeks now that im not going to make it to 40 weeks. Idk why but I just have a feeling! Even though I was induced at 40 weeks with my first (it was an unnecessary induction).

But does anyone think these period like cramps could be a sign of my body getting ready for labor in the next few weeks? I've been drinking water, stretching, using the yoga ball, taking warm baths, etc.