

does anybody else feel lonely in college? like all i do is go to class then back into my dorm. i don’t even have friends. none of the clubs interest me and my dorm mates are never home it when they are they are in their rooms. i don’t know what to do with myself. it’s always been hard to make friends and my mom kinda sheltered me as a kid so i never developed the skills to just go up to someone and start talking. i just feel so confined to my bedroom.

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I get lonely at times, its hard to make new friends, but just say hi to those that sit next to you right before the class starts and just ask how their day is, you may never know you may end up on a topic that can lead into a rabbit hole. It may take a lot of courage, but I will be worth it.


Posted at
That sucks girl. Tbh college phase of life is just lonely. Just get through it. Better your life by learning how to cook/ learn a language/ volunteer.. read some self-help books on how to make friends/talk to people. And don't feel bad about it, Either! Everyone would be better off to read those books.


Ari • Nov 28, 2022
that’s the hard part. i just don’t have time. i’m also pregnant so if i’m not in class i get so tired from just walking and being around people that i want to sleep.