Spotting before Af


So yesterday was my wedding and as I arrived and got out the car my dress had a spot yes I thought Af arrived early because I did have very light light pink almost so light it could go unnoticed that morning when I wiped after I got home I checked it was only a little spot size of a half dollar I thought for sure it would come overnight and.. nothing not the slightest drop or or smidge yesterday I also felt nauseous all day and had hot flashes and today nauseous all day and hot flashes and lightheadedness I'm 36 my cycle is pretty regular and this app is usually on point with my predicted period here's my chart I googled it and Google says implementation bleeding usually happens 5 days before AF but you won't get a positive til 5days after implantation I did test today I will include the pic also here's my calendar ..thoughts please TIA

Zoomed in pic