Catching feelings???

This guy I’ve been talking too

Well quick history run down

In 2002 met him when I was 15 when I moved to town with my family he was 11 Iol we were neighbors he would hang out with my brother never got to know him

Then fast forward 2008 I bought a house when I was 21

He moved in next door in 2012

We’d have friendly conversations occasionally

Anyways fast forward 2022 we matched in tinder Iol he swiped right first. He told me he was curious if I’d also swipe right too and he always found me to be very pretty but to shy to say anything

We’ve been talking for a month we’ve met up 4 times so far

He very very recently these last 3 days has started texting me in the morning “good morning” he hadn’t been doing that before

And recently calling me sweetheart and honey

Could it be he’s catching feelings or being friendly?

He told me I’m all his

I could ask him but he’s so shy when it comes to that stuff Iol

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There’s no way for us to know. You’ll have to ask. If he’s calling you his, he’s probably not as shy as you think, and if he’s dodging the question, he’s probably not interested in anything serious.