Military future & marriage

Two years ago I was medically discharged from the army. I have always expressed that I wanted to go back. But now I’m in a relationship, we live together, we have a dog, etc. As of today I’m in the process of receiving medical permission to go back into the army in the summer. I have mentioned marriage several times to my partner over the years, it has nothing to do with the army. He has said before that he has plans to marry me but he never acts on it. Ive known him for a long time outside of a romantic relationship, we live together, he wants a baby, etc. it just seems like the next logical step. But now with the whole army thing, it’s kind of coming across as an ultimatum even though I don’t want it to be. I highly doubt that he is ok with following me wherever I am stationed. I know he doesn’t want to leave behind his parents. He also asked that if we get married and he moves with me, what would he be doing in the house all day?.. im pretty sure he’s allowed to have a job. He also said “I would visit you” which suggests to me that he’s not interested in moving with me. I don’t want this to cost me my relationship but that’s how it’s looking. He said we’d talk about it later…