Rude comments rolling in right on cue...


I'm a few days shy of 36 weeks, and right on cue people all of a sudden think it's ok to comment on my belly size, just like with both my girls once I hit this point.

Earlier this week a man saw me pushing my girls (4.5yo and 15mo) in the double stroller and after he said hello he called out, "oh you'll need to get your eldest to walk and then upgrade to a triple stroller since you're having twins." Then today at Costco I was in the ladies room washing my hands and the woman next to me asks when I'm due, I reply with December, she pauses and then says, "Oh. You look big." I told her that wasn't a nice thing to say and she laughs and walks off in a sing-songy voice "I'm sorry!" 🙄🙄🙄 Can people not just eff off and mind their own business if they have nothing nice to say??

For context, I am petite and only gain weight in my belly during pregnancy, so proportionally I look like I have a basketball strapped to me by the end of pregnancy. But still! There's literally no reason to comment on a pregnant woman's size. Ugh.