Need some advice


I had a early ultrasound at 5 weeks because I’ve miscarried before, the baby had a heartbeat and everything seemed fine. They had me come in again a week later to make sure and this time there was no heartbeat found. They gave me some options like taking pills to force the miscarriage which is what I would like to do but a part of me wants some kind of confirmation that their is no heartbeat.

This was 4 days ago and I still feel pregnant and my breasts are almost more sore then they were last week. I guess my question is should I ask for another ultrasound to confirm before I go threw with this. What are the chances that she missed the heartbeat? This was a fertility specialist so you think they know what their doing right?

I’ve also been having a light brown discharge since that day and this morning had some thick brown tissue come out when I wiped but everything else has been very light so not sure if this is the beginning of the miscarriage or not.