For those who BOTH bbt and use Clearblue OPKs


How long after you get your peak (solid smiley) does your chart show and ovulation dip? Can you share your chart or share timelines?

Context: I’m not totally sure FF is right on my O day (right now CD 8) I got my peak OPK that night at 8pm (had been high for two days prior) but the next small dip feels too late (more than 48 hours later on CD 11) - I guess I was expecting it on 9/10, based off my peak and typical cycle pattern. Do you all agree with FF? Even FF seems unsure based on the dotted line.

I know I asked this a few days ago- hopefully not annoying anyone. But now have a few more data points to go off of so maybe more clarity? And would also love to hear your experiences

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