Baby boy birth story


My husband and I started <a href="">ivf</a> in January 2020. We had 3 embryos, and all 3 failed. We decided to do one more round as my husband was nearing 38 and I had just turned 34. In January 2022, we started our second round. We ended up with 4 embryos, but sadly on day 5 they called me to come in for my transfer and said only one embryo of the 4 survived. I found out 6 days later, I was pregnant with my son. It was the worst pregnancy ever. I was so sick, covid twice, swollen feet. At 29 weeks I was admitted to the hospital with high blood pressure. After 5 days I was sent home and put on bed rest. I live in a remote area so I am a 1.5 hr ferry ride and 45 min drive to the hospital. And the ferry makes its last trip at 7:15pm until 7:30am the next day. And only goes every 4 hours. I was flown out at 31 weeks at 1am a week after getting home with dangerously high bp (195/225 was the highest point). And since I was flown and then had to be transported 1 hr by ambulance to the hospital, my husband couldn’t come. He had to wait for the ferry at 7:30 and didn’t get to me in the hospital until almost 10 am. After being there for 2 days, I developed eclampsia. My organs were failing, I had fluid in my lungs, the dr basically told me I was dying and at risk for a stroke. I delivered my son at 31 weeks 4 days by c section on August 27, 2022. He weighed 3lbs 3oz. After a month in the neonatal unit we were able to bring our son Camden home ❤️ so blessed and so thankful we both were ok and I get to love this sweet boy ❤️