Do you have Endometriosis ?

Nikkole💋 • Mother to one angel baby 💙 👼🏻 And one beautiful rainbow baby 💙 happily married to my best friend ❤️❤️

Do you have endometriosis? Did you have any symptoms before being diagnosed, if so, what were they? How were you diagnosed? Do you have any children since being diagnosed, if so, how long did it take you to conceive?

I have been dealing with multiple symptoms and my first OB just brushed it off because it was less than a year since giving birth. The symptoms progressed and I saw her again but she still brushed me off. Tried 3 different BC and nothing was helping. Saw other doctors for specific symptoms, but it didn’t change anything or help. Finally saw a new OB and she has been trying to help me. Ordered fertility labs, but I’m currently 10 days into a period that started less than 2 weeks after my last one ended 😩 so I have to wait for this to stop and my next cycle to start to get labs. She does suspect endometriosis. I just feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m not ovulating. My son is 17 months old and we want to try for another.