Throwing !

My child is driving me crazy with throwing everything! (He’s 2) He throws his cup every single meal and throws his toys and he will take our phones and throw them. Today we got groceries delivered and he started grabbing and throwing our milk and other things and it’s a game ti him he thinks it’s funny he will run and laugh and then throw. I dont know what ti do he’s driving me crazy! I try to tell him if he wants to throw stuff he can throw his soft toys. That doesn’t work. Nothing works. I feel like it’s my fault because sometimes I have big reactions and I don’t mean to but it really triggers me when he doesn’t listen. I’ve watched enough parenting videos ti know big reactions are bad and that will make them do it more so I guess I have ti work on myself too not do that but any tips on what I should do? I know it’s normal for this age but I can’t take it anymore!