Tips for TTC baby #2

Destiny • 29, Virgo, married to a 6`3 sweet man, been 5`1 since I was 14, love kids, pink is my favorite color, ttc for baby #2 for 1 year. 3 chemical pregnancy. 2 miscarriages.

So we’ve been TTC for about 10ish months. I have endometriosis & PCOS, & it was VERY hard to get pregnant the first time. However it happened, it happened (Gods timing)

I’ve spoken with my doctor, she said I need to lose 15-20 pounds, even though I’m at my pregnancy weight. Our son is 22 months, & I’m losing hope. I started taking a prenatal again about two months ago, I work out everyday except Sundays. (Nothing intense, just Grow with Jo on YouTube.) I’ve changed my diet (need to change more) & I try to not stress about stuff.

What are things that helped you?