Long few months


My water broke at 27 weeks. It wasn't a gush like everyone said. I went to the hospital the next morning and was told I was 2cm dilated and that my water broke. I was transferred to Albany med where I was poked and prodded for two weeks. My husband would come up and spend the weekend with me. I started to have back pain on Saturday the 10th. I would go on the monitor for 20 min 2 times a day. The monitor read nothing. My back was really hurting and the pain was going to the front. I took a hot shower and ended up getting really sick. I called the nurse and he got the DR. She checked me and I was 6 cm dilated and 80 percent afrages. They moved me to delivery and keept checking me. I was in active labor for 45min. At 29 weeks my little guy arrived on 9/11/22 at 1:18am he was 3lbs 2oz. He was rushed to the NICU. His breathing was good and he wasn't on the machine for long. I was discharged from the hospital 2 days after having him. We were 3 hours away from the rest of the family. It took two weeks to get him transferred closer to our home. It took a long time for me and my husband to get him home. On 10/21/22 we finally got to bring him home. This last few weeks have been different having a baby and getting ready to go back to work.