Spotting in first trimester


Hello all!

So I have been spotting at least 1x a day for about a week now. I am currently 7weeks 1/7. It rarely happens more than 1x daily, sometimes 2x a day. It’s never enough to even get on my underwear, I’ll go to the bathroom and wipe and see red on the toilet paper. Sometimes it’s more old, brown blood. I’ve had infrequent cramps and when I do feel it the pain is like a 1/10 to maybe a 3/10, more so I can just tell it’s happening but it’s not painful. Obviously I reached out to my doctor and she said I don’t need to come in earlier than planned; my first ultrasound is on November 30th when I’ll be 9 weeks. Has this happened to anyone else? I guess I’m just looking for some peace of mind. I know I should go on should the cramping become painful or the bleeding start to fill a pad or if I start to pass clots. What has been your experience?

Thank you so much to those who reply to me ❤️ please send thoughts, prayers and good vibes