Can’t believe my son is here!


Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing great. I had my second son a week ago on November 10 and still can’t believe he is finally here. Early morning of November 9 I woke up with light cramping and by 9 am the cramping was getting stronger. I was at the doctor office and started to have contractions. My doctor check and I was dilated 3 cm. She sent me to triage to monitor me for two hours just in case I do went into labor. I get to triage by 12 noon and was dilated to 4cm. Two hours later the doctor check up on me and I was still a 4, but my cervix have soften. As soon as she said soften my water bag broke and we both crack up. So she admitted me and they move me to L&D. By the time they move me to L&D my contractions was so strong that I have to get epidural, but here the fun part. The epidural only work on my right side and not my left so I felt the contractions the whole time. Than my son heart rate keep dipping so the doctor have to insert a internal monitor which injected fluids inside me since my water bag broke. Than my contractions start to slow down and they have to give me potassium. Five mins later the nurse help me turn to my left side and that when my body start to push on it on and I felt his head coming. The doctor rush in and with three push my son was born at 1:36 am. I was bless with no tears and just a small scratch. I just happy he is healthy and finally in my arm.