What can this mean ? Early signs of pregnancy



I am 5 DPO today and I’ve been having mild cramps every day and some nausea. It’s weird when I’m hungry I get so nauseous I want to puke and then when I eat I feel so full and bloated like I want to puke. I’ve had some discharge that’s been clear by today I had some small clumps of mucusy white discharge. My period is due anywhere from the 24-26th and I’m just so tired of waiting. I’ve been consitpated, headaches , and small pinching soreness feeling in my boobs, cramping lightly and sometimes a sharp pain in my ovary uterus area. With my first I don’t remember implantation bleeding. Idk what does anyone think.I know most of these symptoms are period symptoms as well. I just don’t know, I feel like maybe I feel pregnant because I want to be so bad. Or am I pregnant? I hate this 2 week wait. My ovulation day was inaccurate it was the 12th and I thought it was the 9th or the 13th but we had sex the 9th,10th and the 13th every time he finished in me.