I HATE my stretch marks

Whenever I see someone else with stretch marks I think nothing of it..But I’m so hard on myself and I’m 1 year pp and have really bad stretch marks on my thighs. I have 0 confidence to wear shorts and feel self conscious when having sex. I also have not worn a bikini since before my pregnancy. I work out and love fitness and I often see these beautiful women with amazing bodies and 0 stretch marks and it makes me feel like crap. Anyone else here feel the same and have really deep stretch marks? The picture is my thigh. How can I accept myself? I feel the worst when I touch my skin and I can feel how deep they are :( I also have some on my breasts, butt and inner thighs but these on the pic are the worst. Also my mother is incredibly rude and she has stretch marks herself but she didn’t get them this bad. She couldn’t stop looking at them when I was pregnant and made a comment “I didn’t get that many and I bet you didn’t put creams on to prevent them.” I immediately covered them when she said that and it made me very insecure because of the way she was looking at me as well..