C-section infection surgery & packing


I had a C-section November 8th.

I started spiking high fevers once I got discharged from the hospital, it hurt to empty my bladder and my incision hurt like I just had surgery. I couldn’t even walk to the bathroom alone or clean myself (husband does) I was in debilitating pain.

I went to the Ob to get tested for a uti… came back clean. After my appointment I went home and noticed I had a creamy red discharge that smelled like DEATH draining like crazy from my wound. Like dripping all down my leg and in the floor. I went back to the Ob and they looked at it and sent me to the hospital right away for emergency surgery on Nov 17th. I had a 4x5 cm pocket of infected drainage behind my incision on the right side. (Access) the surgeon cleaned the area out and packed it. I’m still in the hospital now and my first dressing change/repacking is in the morning and I’m so nervous. I don’t want it to be more pain than I can handle 😭😭 it’ll have to be changed daily for 2-4 weeks until it heals. I’m so scared y’all 😭😭 any tips or advice that’ll ease my anxiety??