Hate how much of a h** I was

Like I said I hate how much of a hoe I was. I was sheltered and had social anxiety so qlot of experiences people had in their teens. I didn't get until my late 20s and early 30s.

So I moved sloppy. Very sloppy. Though my body count is 5 at 31... I had 2 ons.one.. 1 become my BD ...and my second BD( relationship nit a ons)bc he didn't have a place we did alot of messing around in the car. And he would always take me to hotels. Always..

Idk I feel cheap and used up and just like a h** in general.

How do move on from these feelings

Elle- Thank you. After my 2nd I had my tubes removed. And I was on BC but it failed me the second time around. I will move much smarter in the future.

**Thank you Makayla and Elle. I'm hoping it was a misdirected comment.

@Amanda- Thank you. Your comment really spoke to me.