Ask for a second chance? Or say thanks and move on?

I’m a FTM and a substitute teacher. I went back to work at the end of September when my baby was 11 months. I took on a position that required me to work a little over 3 hours, 5 days a week teaching in reading groups. This was perfect since I am still nursing and being away 8 hours a day is far too much. It’s just me and my husband. We don’t have family or friends in the area. So he stays home when I’m at work.

So in mid October I called in and missed a few days of work- 3 because my baby got sick for the first time. It was too much for my husband to handle alone and we know that mamas milk is the best medicine for baby especially since she wouldn’t eat anything else or drink from a cup or bottle. So she got better but then this past weekend she got a fever and so I called in and said I would stay home Monday and Tuesday. My husband took Monday as an opportunity to go bow hunting since turkey season is open. He had an accident, went to the ER and needed stitches so I called in and said I couldn’t work for the rest of the week because my husband had an accident and couldn’t be the primary caretaker. So yes I missed a whole week due to family illness and injury.

The principal of the school I’ve been working at (who I’ve never even met) emailed me yesterday and said they’re taking me off the assignment because of my inconsistent attendance. I understand that consistency is important with children so I get it. I also understand that life is unpredictable.

I haven’t told my husband yet because there is no school next week. And the assignment was through November (and then they were probably going to extend the assignment again).

Would you email back saying “thanks for the opportunity, etc. etc.” or would you explain the situation and request a second chance?

I’m feeling bad because I’ve always been a very punctual and attentive worker and a good teacher. But it really was a bad month. I won’t be able to find another subbing assignment with hours like this. So it sucks to loose it. But now I’ll be back to looking for half day subbing assignments which are more rare than full days.

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