Help! Need advice regards to Ovulation

Hi All, Hope you are all well.

I have been trying to conceive for the past year and back in April I found I was pregnant and then unfortunately miscarried 9/10weeks later. Since then I’ve been trying again however I noticed that my period over the last two months have become irregular. The gap between the two have been 19 days and then 13 days.

I have been logging everything in glow and checked to see when I should be ovulating to try again and it shows this week (started from yesterday) however I used the ovulation clear blue sticks and it states that I’ve not started to ovulate. I know the app is not always accurate but in the past it has always helped me on my journey.

I used to get the ovulation mucus etc but that no longer seems to happens since the irregular period.

Anybody else had a similar issue? Or shed any words of wisdom?

I’ve been trying to get through to the doctor but no appointments as usual

Thank you for reading my post