Prolactin levels


I did blood work on day 4 and day 22 for prolactin. They came back as 25.7 ng/ml for day 4 and 46.4 ng/ml for day 22. Also my thyroid level was on the higher end of the normal range. Doctor didn’t seem concerned with my prolactin levels as she said I could try medication for the thyroid that will help for thyroid and prolactin. If medication doesn’t help I’ll do the MRI to see if there is a tumor in the pituitary gland. I have regular periods and ovulate (according to the OPKs). My cycle is 26 days long with ovulation on day 12. My husband’s sperm analysis came back with great numbers, no concerns there. Anyone out there with a similar experience with their prolactin levels? Have you gotten pregnant? Any advice?