porn addic.. what does it mean ?

if a guy watches porn a few hours after you just had sex w them(multiple rounds too) what does it mean? & he knows i’m not comfortable w porn so he’s been working on not watching it and he has done better. just if he had watched it maybe like a few days without us having sex it wouldn’t hurt as much, but not even more than 15 hours after you had sex w them and had multiple rounds- that hurts sm i feel so hurt like why???? you reassure me every now and then that i am enough but this? it just shows me i really am not enough. i don’t understand.

*edit: the reason i mentioned porn addiction is bc he has had a porn addiction, i’ve been with him for almost 4 years and it used to be rlly bad and it has gotten better and that is why i mentioned it, not bc i was assuming or questioning if it was a porn addiction(should of been more clear on that sorry) so that anyone who knows abt it or has dealt w it in their own experience- can give advice since it gives more info rather than just watching porn now and then. & as for why i know it was 15 hrs ago- that was an estimate, it was around 10-15 hrs ago and the reason i’m able to guesstimate is bc after we had sex that night we also went to sleep and so i always remember what time i go to sleep bc i like to be aware of how much sleep i get. and since i had work that morning & then got off that afternoon it wasn’t more than 15 hrs ago that we had slept, and so i gave an estimate bc i’m a person who is always aware on time bc of childhood trauma & also i record how much i sleep for my doctors bc my sleep plays into my neurological medical condition. so again, i gave an estimate not bc i was being obsessive or crazy and counting the hours- no i’m just aware of how long i slept for & was at work for & since we fell asleep after sex, that is why i know how many hours it was ago.