High Risk T21 Screening Results (Down Syndrome)


Hi everyone a very stressed out and sleep deprived mama to be here looking for some other peoples experiences to hopefully help get my head around the results.

I have just received the results of the first screening tests along with the NT measurements and they are a very upsetting 1 in 5 chance that baby has a chromosomal disorder most likely Down Syndrome however from what I understand the factors used to get to this result could also be symptoms of intrauterine growth reduction or the onset of pre eclampsia. The NT measurements were in the normal range but in the upper end of the scale at 3.3mm with the cut off being 3.5mm and I’m testing high for hCG and low for PAPP-A.

(I am in the UK so this is the first screening a long with ultra sound done at 12 weeks not the NIPT test or Harmony test I believe it’s called in US)

Have any of you had similar results back?

Did this turn out to be Down Syndrome or some other issue?

What was the outcome?