Could this be a miscarriage ?


I am 4weeks 3 days today.

I’ve had 3 very healthy pregnancies prior to this.

Today I started spotting, it was a light brownish “discharge” nothing to crazy.

As the day went in it started increasing. It went to a light pink color, and now it’s red.

It’s weird tho, it’s not a lot when I’m going about my daily activities. I have a pant liner on and it hasn’t come close to “soaking” it.

Every time I go pee, it looks like stringy blood and when I wipe there’s some blood but it’s like blood with CM. It’s weird.

It’s not a like I’m soaking a pad every hour blood but it’s still blood and it is still very alarming to me.

I’ve never dealt with anything like this before, I am praying it’s nothing and telling myself it’s normal, just a different pregnancy but deep down I feel like it’s not.

Has anyone ever experienced this? What was the outcome?

The ER I could go to, isn’t the “best” and I’m afraid if I go they’re going to just say it’s a miscarriage considering it’s so early on, I’m sure there’s not much that. And be determined on an ultrasound.