I like my brothers best friendšŸ«£

I need advice!!! My brother has this one friend who I met at my brothers wedding, we didnā€™t talk at all alone, only in a group setting. Iā€™ve known of him since theyā€™ve been friends in Highschool. He hasnā€™t ever really came around like my brothers closer best friends, but he also is 26 and is a sheriff so he is busy w his career. Iā€™m 23 almost 24, and I recently got out of a 6 year relationship about a year ago. Iā€™ve taken so much time to heal and focus on myself and Iā€™m definently not the type of girl to go out and get rebounds to make myself feel better. I value my relationships and I donā€™t entertain the idea of being with anyone unless I really like them. So randomly like 5 months post wedding, Iā€™ve been thinking about this friend and I donā€™t know why. I want to talk to him so bad and I donā€™t think my brother would have an issue with it because his friends have similar traits and characteristics as him, theyā€™re all genuinely good guys. After my previous relationship ended, all my brother wants for me is to find a good guy who is going to treat me right. I followed his friend on Instagram, but he doesnā€™t post on there and you can tell he doesnā€™t use it. He followed me back and after he followed me I saw he added a profile picture (it was blank before). Am I reading too far into this???? I feel like I am, I want to reach out but I donā€™t know how. I donā€™t think he would ever reach out to me because of my brother so I kind of feel like I have to make a move or else nothing will ever come if it, and we will never get to know eachother even as friends. Has anyone been through a situation like this before, if I messaged him, what the heck would I even say?!

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Posted at
Just send him a message saying it was nice to catch up at your brother's wedding, and ask him how he has been. Hopefully the conversation will flow naturally.


Posted at
Start messaging him first and she where it takes you


lily ā€¢ Nov 27, 2022
What should I say to him?


anonymou5e ā€¢ Nov 27, 2022


Posted at
It doesnā€™t have to be anything extravagant. Let it flow natural. A simple. Hi, just wanted to reach out and maybe get to know you better. Or even just a hello.


Posted at
Be honest with him. Let him know you enjoyed his company at the wedding and want to see if he would be up to go out for drinks. Most likely this man is also into you. Take the chance girl!!


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Donā€™t put too much pressure on yourself and just msg him and say hi and an open ended question like howā€™ve you been or howā€™s work going or what are you doing for Christmasā€¦then see from there how he responds etc. If itā€™s meant to be, itā€™ll be but have fun with it ā˜ŗļø


Posted at
Just send him a message and see what happens


Posted at
Just a normal type of conversation, just "like" his picture and send sth like " hi how u doing ?" just don't overthink so much keep it natural and cool ā˜ŗļø good luck ! šŸ’–šŸ’–