Any advice. Please?


Hey, I'm about to be 27.

I have an associate degree in science. Currently in school for Certified Medical Assistant, will be done in about 6 months, and I will then have my personal trainer certification, too.

*I have a traumatic brain school is not the easiest for me.*

My plan until yesterday..

Spend the next 3 years getting my bachelor's degree, get a teacher certification. Be a teacher while I work on my masters..

Be an addiction therapist at the end.

But yesterday I thought, what if i keep the beginning the same: medical assistant, personal trainer. Bachelor's degree. Teacher.. but do chiropractor school instead of masters in psychology. Chiropractor school is about 3-4 years and graduation would make me a doctor.

Either way I would be a teacher while I work on the final program. Either way I have to move away from 'home'.