Is it really a red flag?

About like 5 months ago I posted on here about a guy I met at a gym. He came to give me tips and I asked y’all ladies if it’s weird ..

Fast forward to now, he’s actually hugging me more and kissing my forehead. We’ve got closer.

I hadn’t seen him for 1 week and he hugged me so tight.

Here’s where my friend says it’s weird, he will find any detail to compliment me. He will say “oh you look so cute with your glasses” or “wow you look so pretty with braids”

Just last night he said “your butt got bigger….you know with all due respect And as a friend”

We were working out and my friend heard ….

She said he’s little by little trying to sleep with me and manipulate me lol

I’ve known him for 5 months now. He hasn’t done anything to show he just wants to get laid. All he does is hug me and kiss my forehead. He also texts me. He follows me around to workout together. He tells me “can I workout with you?”

Another question I have is the whole “as a friend I’m telling you this” is he like friendzoning me lol

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