Can anyone tell me why I feel like this after breakup?

I broke up with a guy a year ago who I dated for 6 months. I really adored him and found him so attractive, I had so much desire for him, but the relationship went south and he didn’t treat me well and I lost all that desire. We ended up breaking up.

I was feeling positive and tried to start dating again. But I just can’t find any man sexually attractive from their photos. And in real life too, I don’t feel it when we meet in person. I don’t look at guys and feel attracted, especially to men in my area, there are no cute guys at all

I work from home all the time too so I never really leave the house. Joined a gym but there’s no men at the classes ever and all the men in the gym are like big men that aren’t my type haha. And a lot older than me

I go hang out in cafes hoping I’ll spot someone, but I never do.

I’m scared this is me now, but I’m craving those sexual feelings I had with my ex. I feel very sexually frustrated but turned off by most men.

I know I have high standards, any red flags and I drop a guy straight away, but I have such a low tolerance for red flags that I get the instant ick.