should i be worried??

I need y’alls opinion if you think there’s a chance I could be pregnant!!! I just want to put my mind at ease! I got the Mirena IUD inserted at the beginning of September for irregular periods! I ended my most recent period on November 20th and had unprotected sex that same day (he did not finish inside me) This was my very first time having sex and I am already an extremely anxious and paranoid person and worried that for some reason my IUD would fail so the next day I took a plan B just for extra precaution in the case that my IUD wasn’t in the right position and failed. We got carried away in the heat of the moment (again) and I then had unprotected sex again on that Wednesday the 23rd and again he didn’t finish inside me, some did drip so I got extra nervous this time and took another plan B the following day (thanksgiving) I know that’s not good for your body. i’ve been having mild cramps here and there and spotting ever since i took the plan b’s it’s been 10 days since the first one and 7 since the second one. Some days the spotting/discharge is brown and other days it’s like an orangish red color but not the color of a period and a couple of times is been light pink. I’ve also been really gassy but i think that could just be because the stress and anxiety is messing with my digestive system! I am now on cycle day 24. Is this just side effects from the massive amount of levonorgestrel I put into my body? Should I be worried about being pregnant? I am really nervous and we both agreed to be more cautious since my bf knows i am a huge over-thinker! plus we don’t want to risk anything before we get married! any opinions will help! 😩❤️