Surprised at my husband

Jackie • Hi! I'm a momma of 2 girls, 13 & 15 yrs. We are blessed with 1 more, my 3rd healthy baby girl Anastasia.

Hi ladies! I just need to vent about my birth story since I was shocked that my husband was NOT supportive during my labor and contractions! In the past I always had my mother or my best friend there with me when I had my other 2 girls with my ex husband and this time I had no one but my now husband, who was a first time dad. It's been 12 years since I had a delivery and my 2nd child was quick so I was praying for an easy birth. My water broke around 10:30pm & I lost a lot very quickly so I thought baby was being quick. Really it was opposite and I ended up going through contractions for close to 9 hours. Now once we got to the room, before they got bad enough for the epidural, he sat down in the chair next to me & held my hand. Seeing how much pain I was in but I guess realizing how TIRED he was, he just went to sleep in the chair next to me! He says it's because he was waiting til it was time for me to push, even though the contractions were getting worse & at times I was just looking for someone to help coach me with breathing! He went through one labor class with me and the other one we missed because it was virtual and it got rescheduled, it was crazy because of Covid. He did see the process & how we're supposed to breathe together. He didn't try once to calm me or give me supportive words. He was supportive at Dr appts & when seeing the baby on ultrasounds he was excited, just shocked at his behavior. Anyone else's husband sleep through your pain?