I didn’t have sex during fertile week BUT NO PERIOD TODAY


Hello everyone I didn’t have sex during my fertile week which I determine using Glow. However I did have sex maybe a few days after follow said I ovulated. Supposedly November 22nd was my ovulation day but I didn’t have sex until November 27th so it doesn’t make since why my period didn’t show. I’m suggesting it could be stress or it may come tomorrow or later today it’s 9am AF usually be there once I wake up. It not today unfortunately. Could I have ovulated later if I am pregnant? Do people ovulate later than expected? The app is just a predictor I get it…has anyone been though something similar? I’m confused lol because I know you can’t get pregnant outside of your fertile week the egg lasts maybe 24-48hrs (I think)… but I’ll let you’ll know what happens……💕💕💕💕💕Baby dust yo you’ll!