Someone opinion?

My boyfriend has been hanging out with his guy friends all the time, Not listening to my needs, ignoring me when I say I want his attention and his response is “need me to wipe your ass too” and than proceeds to tell me how I don’t do anything and questions me with “what do you do?” I pay the bills, the water, electricity, car insurance, phone bill, I put food on the table, and I’m a mom of 3. His attitude is wishy washy and some days he’s really nice other days he asks me what do I do and tells me how ugly I am. “Don’t even ask me why I have stayed I don’t even know why myself ? “He claims to be faithful” Well lately he has been hanging out with this one friend “a guy” and he said he had to go to his house to grab something. I told him we were gonna go with him, and he said no that he would come back and pick us up. Kinda made me mad cause I mean we’re his family he could have taken us with him like he did in the past. He comes back 2 hours later and we get in the car together. And we did some Uber, I asked him if he took care of what he needed to and said oh no my friend wasn’t there. I asked him what did he mean? Why was he gone so long and why couldn’t we go with him? If it was so important why didn’t he call before hand. Than he’s texting somebody “his friends cousin, who is a chick” and I’m like your texting some chick? She’s texting him saying “heyy” and he says “hola”

Than she’s texting him asking “I was just wondering if you were coming back tonight loll”

“And you asked if my cousin was gonna be awake when you came back”

I’m like your texting your friends cousin, and she’s clearly wondering when your coming back ? And he starts laughing. He than told me he has taken her home before in my car. So he and her was alone in my car. Didn’t even tell me and he claims he told me. “He never did tell me” he tries to get me to question my reality by claiming he swears he told me.

Am I wrong for being pissed off by this ? Am I being petty ? I mean some chick is asking when is he coming back over ? Or am i interpreting this shit wrong ? Cause I’m keeping my distance. By the way we haven’t had sex in months. We haven’t really kissed. He gives me a child peck on the lips here and there when I beg him .