morning sickness and gender

so supposedly, if you have morning sickness during pregnancy you’re likely carrying a girl, where as if you don’t, it’s likely a boy. was this old wives tale true for you ?

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I had morning sickness with both my girl and boy and it’s been way worse with my boy, I’m 37 weeks and still deal with nausea


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No. Every pregnancy is different. Never sick with my first boy & constantly sick with my second


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To me every pregnancy is different I had morning sickness with my first and she was a girl I didn't have morning sickness with my second and I'm having a girl as well .


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Nope had hg with both mine boy and girl absolutely awful 😭😂


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Not sick with my first two boys, sick as a dog with my third boy (I thought he was a girl bc of this old wives tale but clearly not true). 😅


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I had morning sickness once with my 3 year old son and didn't have it for my 2 year old son. This pregnancy (girl) I had it bad.


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I had terrible morning sickness during weeks 6-15. I had to be medicated sometimes to keep even water down. I am currently pregnant with a girl but it is my first so I don’t have anything to compare it to. My mom had 4 kids and she only ever vomited twice… that was with my brother. Her other 3 are girls and she was never sick 🤷🏼‍♀️


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I have one girl and pregnant with girl #2 and didn’t have morning sickness with either of them.


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Hmm. I had barely any morning sickness with both boys. I think I threw up like once or twice in each pregnancy. Def had nausea though.


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