

Me and my boyfriend had sex on 11/30 in which he came in me. I’m basically playing the waiting game for the next month because my periods are so irregular idk if I was ovulating or not because I hadn’t had a period since October and idk if AF is just not coming or I missed her. I didn’t get to test my levels until 3 days after we had sex and the line was medium faint if that makes since lol. I just tested today with my second morning pee and both tests are negative and the line on the LH test is just gone. It’s been almost 2 weeks since then so shouldn’t I be able to get at least a faint line for the pregnancy test?

I’m just confused cause I basically don’t know when my period is which is sad😔 I try to keep up but since they’re so irregular sometimes I just forget. Idk whether to be discouraged or still have hope