Endo and Delayed Period


Any fellow endo warriors… Before I had my son in 2017 I was diagnosed with endo and it took 3 years and a surgery to get pregnant. After my period came back after baby, I was regular again even though I have longer cycles. Prior to my son, my period was kind of inconsistent. My second pregnancy happened and my period has been back for about a year (baby is now 2). It hits routinely the first week of the month every time. We are not trying to have another. We use condoms and I’ll go back on BC with my next GYN visit now that baby quit nursing. We literally had sex ONCE last month. This month I’m about two weeks late. If you have endo, did your periods if they are inconsistent just abruptly stop like this when the endo got bad again? I can’t imagine I’m pregnant but I also feel like it’s odd there’s not even any spotting.