To tip or not to tip on drive-thrus and pickups?


Hi gorgeous ladies, so I would like to prefice this by saying that a few family members of mine are in the service industry, so I absolutely tip my waitress/waiters, bartenders and so on well.

Things have just gotten out of control in my home town. I knew that this wouldn't matter if we only ate at home, but life happens and some days are more rushed than others so oh well. You can't drive through any drive-thru without seeing big 'ol signs: "Tips are appreciated", "Do to covid we appreciate tips." And any time the card is run, you get a tablet with a question (yes tip) to be answered before signing.

I just want to know your thoughts. My hun always tips cuz he feels bad presssing the no tip, but now I don't tip unless it's dine-in, or the server required to pay special attention to me. I mean, they took out $11 in tips in Subway the last time I tiped, it's ridiculous.

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